enricozuanazzi.com website and blog
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why: I started thinking about developing the website and blog because I felt the need to give visibility to my work without using social media. I thought it would be a good way to eventually get in touch with new people and maybe have some constructive discussions with them. It also turned out to be a good diary and, why not, a decent showcase for myself.
What: enricozuanazzi.com and the related blog are the final products of my last few weeks of work. From the beginning, I decided to have a static portfolio as a “landing page” and then offer the chance for those who want to interact with me through the blog.
The static part was built from scratch with HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript, while for the blog, I couldn’t avoid using WordPress.
At first, I wanted to take advantage of my recent AWS Cloud certification to host everything there and use some cool features, but my wallet started crying immediately after I calculated the cost estimates: AWS Calculator.
So, I ended up buying a domain (miss you, Route 53) and hosting it on a cheaper platform.
Now lets talk about this horrible logo.
The “idea” behind this apparently non-sense logo comes from the number 8.
The number 8 is connected both to my main passion (chess — the chessboard is an 8×8 square) and, indirectly, to my work (since I work in tech, a reference to the “8 bit” couldn’t be missed). So, without overthinking it, I thought, “We have what we were looking for.”
Not even a graphic designer in their first month of an internship would’ve come up with something this bad…I literally took the two numbers and mashed them together trying to create something meaningful.
Thank you for reading!